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Today in Labor History

Feb. 18, 1918
Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. ~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Feb. 18 (20:04)

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Teamsters Local 355
Data Show Union Membership Can Extend Life Expectancy
Teamsters Local 992
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News Items - August 2013
Updated On: Sep 18, 2013

RE the UPS contract and UPSF negotiations
August 5, 2013 | The national UPS agreement was approved last month by a Teamster majority, however 17 supplements and rider were not. Until all of them have been approved, wage and benefit increases, language improvements and the increase in the starting wage for part-timers cannot be implemented. Read the full IBT update here. The UPS Freight National Negotiating Committee met July 31st in Arlington, VA to discuss issues and concerns that the members have raised with the TA that was rejected. Read the update here.

Court rules short-haul drivers exempt from rest-break requirement
August 11, 2013 | The U.S. Court of Appeals in D.C. affirmed last week the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's (FMCSA) 2011 hours-of-service rules for drivers except for a provision that requires a 30-minute break for short-haul drivers. Bottom line: If you're a short-haul driver, you are no longer required to comply with the FMCSA 30-minute rest break rule. If you're a long-haul driver, you must continue to comply with the regulation. If you have questions, see your supervisor or shop steward.

IBT Essay Contest Topic: What would you say to someone who says…
August 21, 2013 | "Unions were important at one time, but we don't need them anymore." Teamsters kids can win cash for class by writing a response in essay form and submitting it for consideration to win one of 50 $1,000 James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarships. The applicant must meet these eligibility requirements, complete this application and forward it to the James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship Fund office by September 30, 2013. Good luck!

Cinetic Landis got this right: The Union DOES work for you
August 21, 2013 | When Cinetic Landis Grinding failed to fill the vacated positions of bargaining unit employees who retired in May under the company's retirement offering, Local 992 filed a grievance requesting that the Company post the job vacancies because the work previously performed by the retired employees is now being done by remaining employees. In response to our grievance, the Company presented its position and view of the Union's action directly to our members via an undated, unsigned letter. Local 992 Principal Officer Tom Krause laid out all the facts of the situation in a letter to Cinetic Landis Teamsters. He signed the letter, too.

Wage increase, other improvements await passage of area supplements
August 22, 2013 | The provisions of the UPS National Master Agreement approved in June, including a 70-cent per hour wage increase, were negotiated to take effect August 1. Members may have noticed the raises have not been reflected in their paychecks yet. That's because the national agreement does not take effect until all regional supplements and riders have been approved. The IBT provides details in this UPS update. Also, UPS members are not impacted by the company's decision to eliminate healthcare coverage for spouses of nonunion employees.

Teamsters Local 992
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