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Today in Labor History

Feb. 18, 1918
Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. ~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Feb. 18 (22:04)

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Data Show Union Membership Can Extend Life Expectancy
Teamsters Local 355
Data Show Union Membership Can Extend Life Expectancy
Teamsters Local 992
AMFA Launches First Local in Canada
GC?25-05?Rescission of Certain General Counsel Memoranda
IBEW Local 768
Steve Butz Senate Campaign Kickoff
Saint Louis Police Officers Association

News Items - February 2014
Updated On: Mar 13, 2014

ACT NOW: Fast Track is the wrong track for Teamsters
February, 2014 Fast Track is a measure that requires Congress to take only a quick up-or-down vote on secret trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and does not allow such agreements to be amended. It limits Congress' constitutionally mandated oversight of such trade deals and lets others decide what's best for America. The result is fewer good-paying U.S. jobs and unsafe food and products for Americans. Like previous "free trade" agreements, the TPP would be a boon for corporations while hurting workers and the environment. The trade agreement would devastate American manufacturing. Though Teamsters, generally, do not represent workers in the manufacturing industry, every Teamster would be affected because a big part of what we do – from warehouse work to transporting products – is related to manufacturing. Take a few minutes right now to follow the steps here and fight fast track! Watch General President Jim Hoffa tell MSNBC's Ed Schultz how Fast Track is the wrong track for America. Update 2/17: Vice President Biden says trade deals are on hold, at least for now.

YRC announces $300M debt reduction plan after Teamster labor agmt
Feb. 4, 2014 YRCW has closed a deal to attempt to reduce its debt by $300 million, per an announcement from the company Jan. 31, in which it will issue $250 million in new stock and convert $50 million in convertible notes to common stock and use the proceeds to reduce its roughly $1 billion of debt….YRC Chief Financial Officer James Pierson said "…we can now fully focus on investing in our employees, equipment and technology and improving our total customer experience…" Full story here.

Black History is Teamster history
Feb. 4, 2014 The contributions of black members to the success of the Teamsters Union are numerous, varied and as old as the union itself. Black team drivers attended the first Convention in 1903 and were active in all aspects of the union from the beginning. That commitment remains strong today. The Teamsters Union has traditionally been ahead of other unions in terms of the treatment of minority members, calling for "no color line" in the union as early as 1906. Continue reading at

Teamsters back legislation reining in anonymous campaign money
Feb. 6, 2014 Our union yesterday threw in its support behind new legislation that seeks to reform the political campaign finance system and return government to everyday Americans. By approving the Government by the the People Act, introduced by Rep. John Sarbanes (D-Md.), Congress would curb the warped priorities that hamper today's political system and return it to one that is of, by and for the people. Giving regular Americans a vehicle to fight back against anonymous billionaires will ensure lawmakers are held accountable by their own constituents above outside interests. Also, Teamsters support campaign reform finance bill.

Union-made sweet treats for your Valentine
Feb. 12, 2014 When you're searching for something sweet for that special person for Valentine's Day, buy union-made-in-America treats. Candy products made by the UFCW, UFW, and BCTGM include Hershey Kisses, Cadburys Fruit & Nut Bars, and Ghiradelli Chocolates. More choices here. As with a lot of traditionally union-made products, more are being cross-produced (union-non-union; US-Mexico), so be sure to read labels to ensure that your candy is union-made in the U.S.

YRCW successfully refinances its debt
Feb. 17, 2014 The company announced last Thursday that it has closed on the financing of 2 multi-million dollar loans, the final piece to an improved capital structure. "This was all possible because of our members' willingness to make necessary sacrifices," said Tyson Johnson, Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division. Read more at

TPP threatens the livelihoods of 40,000 Teamster dairy workers
February 28, 2014 For 26 years, Teamsters Local 463 Jerry Reeves has toiled at Dean Foods' Lehigh Valley on Landsdale, Pa., working in pasteurizing as well as a fill operator. The job has allowed him top provide a solid middle-class life for his family of six. But if the TPP comes to fruition, countries like New Zealand that have a state-run dairy industry would have an unfair advantage over American privately-owned dairies…"The fact of the matter is this is about American families and these trade deals have brutalized the American economy. A trade agreement is not an agreement. It is a gun to the head of the American worker." Read more here and here.

Teamsters Local 992
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