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Today in Labor History

Feb. 18, 1918
Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. ~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Feb. 18 (20:04)

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Data Show Union Membership Can Extend Life Expectancy
Teamsters Local 992
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News Items - May 2013
Updated On: Jun 20, 2013

Tell Congress: Leave our 40-hr work week and OT pay alone!
May 1, 2013 | The House of Representatives has renewed its decades-old attack on the 40-hour work week. Once again, some members of Congress are pushing so-called "comp time" legislation that would allow employers to stop giving workers extra pay for working overtime. The "The Working Families Flexibilty Act" (H.R.1406) would eliminate overtime pay and replace it with "comp time." This bill is not about providing employees with greater flexibility. It's all about giving employers more flexibility and control over workers. Employees compensated with time off rather than time-and-a-half cash premium would see a reduction in their take-home pay. Passage of the bill would mean longer hours, unpredictable schedules, and employer control of when a worker can use accrued "comp time." Call Congress today and tell your representative to oppose H.R. 1406! Call now: 1-888-866-2561.

Tentative contract agreement reached with ABF
May. 6, 2013 | The Teamsters National ABF Negotiating Committee announced Friday, May 3, that the Union and ABF has reached a tentative agreement. No details will be available until leaders from Teamster local unions that represent ABF members meet in the near future to review the TA and decide whether to endorse it. Read the IBT press release here.

Local Union leaders recommend tentative agreements for ratification
May. 8, 2013 | Teamsters Local Union leaders representing UPS and UPS Freight workers across the country unanimously endorsed the tentative national agreement today, clearing the way for ballots to be prepared and sent to members. Details of the tentative agreement with the company were outlined at the "two-person" meeting, attended by two representatives from each Local Union. Ballot packages will be mailed to all members at the end of May for ratification of the master agreement and will tentatively start being counted on or about June 20. View changes to the UPS contract and tentative agreement highlights. View changes to the UPS Freight contract and tentative agreement highlights.

Re YRCW efforts to acquire ABF freight division
May. 10, 2013 | Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa issued a statement today regarding recent reports that YRC Worldwide Inc. attempted to acquire ABF Freight Systems. Read it here. Note: In response to our YRC members' request for Local 992 comment, a written memo was issued to all 992 YRC Teamsters. Read it here.

Contract information and review meetings scheduled
May. 13, 2013 | Meetings for UPS package and UPS freight drivers will be held Saturday, May 18, 2013, to review the tentative agreements' highlights and contract language changes. UPS Freight members will meet 9 a.m. to 11:30 am and UPS package members will meet 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. at the Ramada Plaza Hotel, 1718 Underpass Way, Hagerstown, MD 21740.

Local leaders unanimously endorse tentative agreement
May. 21, 2013 | Leaders from about 160 Teamster local unions that represent ABF members unanimously endorsed a tentative master agreement and supplements today that covers 7,500 workers. The vote to support the tentative agreement and supplements paves the way for a vote by the members. The Teamsters were able to defeat numerous attempted takeaways sought by the company, including major cuts to health, welfare and pension benefits. The tentative agreement does call for a 7 percent wage reduction, but that will be entirely recouped by the fifth year of the contract. Ballots will be mailed out on or about June 3 and are due back on or about June 27 and will then be counted. Read the IBT announcement here.

Teamsters Local 992
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