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Today in Labor History

Dec. 4, 1943
President Roosevelt announces the end of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), concluding the four-year run of one of the American government’s most ambitious public works programs. It helped create jobs for roughly 8.5 million people during the Great Depression and left a legacy of highways and public buildings, among other public gains. 
~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Dec. 04 (10:04)

December Meetings Canceled
Greater Kansas City AFL-CIO
In Fighting the NLRB, Amazon Proves It’s Terrified of Worker Power
Teamsters Local 355
In Fighting the NLRB, Amazon Proves It’s Terrified of Worker Power
Teamsters Local 992
Meeting UPDATE!
IBEW Local 191
Pennsylvania State Lodge FOP
AFGE: Americans Should Brace for ‘Massive Cuts’ to Benefits and Services
Teamsters Local 992
News Items - January 2015
Updated On: Feb 25, 2015

No. There are no immediate cuts to any pensions.
Jan. 5, 2015  | The IBT has compiled a list of frequently asked questions about how the omnibus spending bill could affect you and your family. The big question: “Will my pension check be reduced?” No. The legislation does not mandate pension cuts. And for those funds that might seek to implement pension cuts, there are a number of procedural steps that have to be followed before they can do so. Learn more here.

Port strikes mirror Organized Labor's roots
Jan. 8, 2015  | Port truckers in California walked off the job in November to protest their dismal working conditions. Required to lease trucks while paying insurance and maintenance costs, drivers often earn less than minimum wage… While their plight hasn't commanded the widespread attention that 19th century strikes did, port workers might be the key to restoring basic labor rights for all Americans. Learn more here. Related: Agreement between Los Angeles, Long Beach port truck drivers, Carson firm allows Teamsters to enter negotiations.

ObamaCare and Bargaining: Local Union leaders seek answers to tough questions
Jan. 11, 2015  | The Affordable Care Act (ACA) – commonly referred to as ObamaCare – and our union members' healthcare plans have recently become a major issue for union negotiators bargaining successor contracts. Officers and trustees of the six local unions comprising Teamsters Joint Council 62 recently spent the better part of a weekend reviewing and discussing specific sections and requirements of the extremely complex healthcare law, as it pertains to employer plans and Taft-Hartley Benefit Plans. Some of the troublesome ACA provisions become effective this year. Information about how the provisions apply is complicated and, in some cases, may conflict with provisions of current plans. Continue reading here.

Leaked memo: YRC seeks to outsource unprofitable runs
Jan. 29, 2015  | YRC Freight is looking to increase its use of purchased transportation to increase its profitability, according to a leaked internal memo. A Dec. 18, 2014, memo obtained by the Kansas City Business Journal, details a change-of-operations request to the Teamsters that would allow the company to increase its use of interline carriers – third-party transportation providers – in areas currently served by YRW employees. …No YRC employees will be laid off as a direct result of the change of operations. Full story here.

Teamsters Local 992
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