Jan. 24, 1935 Krueger’s Cream Ale, the first canned beer, goes on sale in Richmond, Va. Pabst was the second brewer in the same year to sell beer in cans, which came with opening instructions and the suggestion: “Cool before serving.” ~Labor Tribune
Pensions and the 2020 election Oct. 2, 2020 | America is facing a pension crisis, and the retirement security of more than 1.5 million Teamsters and other union members is at risk. We need a legislative fix now and we need to elect leaders that will fight for us. Go to www.teamstersvote.com and learn more about where the presidential candidates stand on pension reform. And remember to vote this November!
Hoffa: House-passed stimulus bill brings much-needed relief to US workers Oct. 2, 2020 | Read General-President Hoffa’s statement on the House’s passage last night of a $2.2 trillion stimulus package that will fund much-needed relief for airline workers, Amtrak workers and state and local governments that have been suffering from the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic. It also boosts pension plans and workplace safety provisions.
Hoffa: Biden-Harris will improve lives of workers Oct. 22, 2020 | 2020 is a year for the record books. A global pandemic has wreaked havoc not only with the health of Americans, but also on their wallets. Tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs during the coronavirus pandemic, and millions are still out of work. But if we are honest with ourselves, these tumultuous times did not start back in March. Working families all over the country have been struggling for years with a federal government that’s prioritized the corporate class over the working class. That’s why we’ve seen a curtailing of union rights and a lack of attention to pension security issues. We need a change at the top… Continue reading here
Download your Teamster ‘I Voted’ Facebook frame Oct. 26, 2020 | Let everyone know that you’re a Teamster and you voted! Download these frames as your profile picture on Facebook to show that Teamsters are making our voices heard at the polls in this historic election.
Early voting in Maryland begins Monday. Here’s what to know. Oct. 26, 2020 | The end is in sight. With eight days left in the U.S. presidential campaign, early in-person voting begins today in Maryland. In an election reshaped by the coronavirus pandemic and colored with uncertainty, more than 800,000 Maryland voters have already submitted ballots by mail or drop box. Here are answers to some commonly asked questions. Voting in Pennsylvania. Voting in West Virginia.
Faced with new spikes in coronavirus, November members meeting is cancelled Oct. 26, 2020 | Much as we'd all like to get back together again at our monthly general membership meetings, the coronavirus pandemic continues to pose a serious threat. In the interest of the well-being of our members, retirees, and staff, we made the decision to cancel the meeting scheduled for Sunday, Nov. 8th. Please read this important Local Union 992 notice pertaining to this decision.
Md. election officials: Don’t mail ballots; use drop boxes Oct. 29, 2020 | With reports of slow mail delivery across the country, Maryland election officials are urging voters to return their mail-in ballots at drop-boxes throughout the state instead of using the Postal Service. Learn more here.
General Membership Meeting: Feb. 9, 2025, at 10 a.m. Holiday Inn & Express Suites,
241 Railway Lane,
Hagerstown, MD 21740 Please be present and on time. Bring a coworker!