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Today in Labor History

Feb. 18, 1918
Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. ~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Feb. 18 (22:04)

General meeting Feb. 19, 2025
Local 406 PPPWU
Data Show Union Membership Can Extend Life Expectancy
Teamsters Local 355
Data Show Union Membership Can Extend Life Expectancy
Teamsters Local 992
AMFA Launches First Local in Canada
GC?25-05?Rescission of Certain General Counsel Memoranda
IBEW Local 768
Steve Butz Senate Campaign Kickoff
Saint Louis Police Officers Association

News Items - February 2015
Updated On: Mar 10, 2015

Black history is the story of every Teamster
Feb. 3, 2015  | [Editor's note: February is Black History Month.]… From the inception of the union, many Teamsters understand that racial divisions play into the bosses' ploy to divide and weaken the working class. Black unionists were at the center of the Teamsters since our founding in 1903. At a time when Jim Crow held sway in the south and discrimination against African Americans was commonplace nationwide, the Teamsters called for "no color line" in the union as early as 1906. Learn more here.

Boston GCC Teamsters halts deportation of Salvadoran refugee
Feb. 3, 2015  | Demonstrating the importance of community outreach, Graphics Communications Conference/IBT Local 3-N in Boston has worked successfully with the local Jobs With Justice branch, elected officials and faith-based organizations to halt the threatened deportation of a Salvadoran GCC/IBT press operator. Full story here.

Hoffa: 'Walking Man' not alone in his struggle
Feb. 11, 2015  | Sometimes real life can seem like a movie. Such is the case with James Robertson, the 56-year-old Detroit man who walked 21 miles roundtrip to his factory job in Rochester Hills each day after his car died and his job moved further into the suburbs. The Michigan and even the national media have become enamored with Mr. Robertson's story, and rightfully so. It is inspirational and a testament to this gentleman's fortitude… But it shouldn't have come to this. We should be under no illusions that Mr. Robertson is the only worker facing such challenges… Continue reading...

Remembering a leader who changed the future for working men, women
Feb. 16, 2015  | Each year in February, Teamsters take a moment to reflect upon and remember James R. Hoffa, born February 14, 1913. Hoffa served as General President of the Teamsters Union from 1957 to 1971. In that time, he inspired thousands to stand up and let their voices be heard. His words, spoken more than 50 years ago, resonate jet as profoundly today as they did then: “While working men and women have long known the value of a dollar – it is a lesson well taught to one who labors for a living – it has taken a long, long time to teach employers the value of a human being, and in many cases has not yet been successfully taught. Few give though to what happens to displaced workers, but they can analyze to the penny what the profits will be.” Learn more...

Teamsters congratulate Walmart workers
Feb. 20, 2015  | Walmart workers who spoke out and took action won a raise for 500,000 Walmart workers nationwide. The Teamsters have supported Walmart workers since the first Black Friday strikes in 2012. "When you fight, you can win," said Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa. "I'm so proud of the members of OUR Walmart for pushing Walmart to commit to raising their wages. I'm also proud of the thousands of Teamsters who stood side-by-side with them in the fight for justice." Full story… (See related story below in "Elsewhere in the News.")

Union dues issue returns to spotlight in Pa. Senate
Feb. 25, 2015  | The battle to end government collection of union dues is on again in Pennsylvania. The Senate State Government Committee on Monday voted 6-5 along mostly partisan lines to approve a proposed constitutional amendment that would ban the collection of union membership dues and political contributions from paychecks of state government and school district employees. Full story…

Teamsters Local 992
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