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Today in Labor History

Sept. 11, 2001
More than 3,000 people died when suicide hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field. Among the dead in New York were 634 union members, the majority of them New York City firefighters and police on the scene when the towers fell. 

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Updated: Sep. 11 (10:04)

Unions Finally Get a Foot in the Door at Microsoft
Teamsters Local 355
Unions Finally Get a Foot in the Door at Microsoft
Teamsters Local 992
Never Forget
Teamsters Local 776
Important Bargaining Update (September 9, 2024)
Iowa Postal Workers Union
Sean Beel GoFundMe
IBEW Local 6
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Communications Workers of America Local 1120
News Items - July 2015
Updated On: Aug 31, 2015

Local shop news update...
July 6, 2015   | An overview of some of the latest contract settlements is available here.

Hoffa: A blueprint for getting America back on track
July 6, 2015   | The American economy is not working. As the Teamsters have stated repeatedly, there needs to be a commitment to boost and expand America's middle class, which is the lifeblood of our country. But that alone will not fuel a national renaissance that will raise up a majority of people. There needs to be a buy-in from the business community that puts long-term economic health before short-term profits. The Roosevelt Institute, of which I am a board member, recently released a detailed blueprint called "Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy" authored by its renowned chief economist Joseph Stiglitz in an effort to tame income inequality. To put this nation back on track, the document makes clear that the U.S. must rethink the economic assumptions it's made during the past 35 years. Continue reading...

Pa. governor vetoes public pension bill
July 10, 2015   | Gov. Tom Wolf vetoes a Republican-drafted overhaul of Pennsylvania's public pensions Thursday. The legislation, Senate Bill 1, would have ended the traditional defined-benefit pension for future state and public school workers, instead rolling them in a 401(k)-style plan. The bill would have applied to the legislators' own future paychecks, but not to public-safety workers or to existing employees. Public-sector unions hailed the move. Full story...

Teamsters call on UPS to leave ALEC at massive protest in San Diego
July 23, 2015   | Hundreds of Teamsters from across California traveled to San Diego Wednesday to participate in a massive protest outside a national meeting for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The Teamsters had one clear message they wanted to send – it was time for UPS to end its affiliation with ALEC. Full story…

Badly injured on the job, brother Amos Hess needs our help!
July 27, 2015   | Shenandoah Pride Dairy driver Amos Hess of Martinsburg, West Virginia, was seriously injured recently when he fell out of the back of his truck while making a delivery. The tragic accident has forced he and his wife out of work indefinitely while he recovers from his injuries. Needless to say, expenses mount daily. "My life has changed drastically since the accident," said Hess. Information can be found here on how you can make a tax-deductible donation to help the family cover living expenses and travel expenses for doctor and therapy appointments. Please download the flyer and distribute widely.

Here's 7 reasons not-yet-union folks should join one
July 29, 2015   | We know that our union jobs generally pay significantly more than non-union jobs and our negotiated contracts provide benefits like paid vacation, holidays and sick days that many non-union workers don't get. So how about that non-union worker friend of yours who doesn't get that being a member of a union can greatly improve his/her work life? This short and to-the-point article can help you talk with family members and friends who may be on the fence about joining a union.

Teamsters remember James R. Hoffa on 40th anniversary of disappearance
July 30, 2015   | Today marks the 40th anniversary of the disappearance of one of the greatest labor leaders in American history – James R. Hoffa. As Teamsters General President, Hoffa honed his well-earned reputation as a tough and effective bargainer and gained the respect of labor and business leaders alike across the country. He worked hard to expand the number of working men and women who were protected by union contracts and under his leadership, the union’s membership rose to include more than 2 million workers. Continued…

Teamsters Local 992
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