Feb. 18, 1918 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. ~Labor Tribune
Follow the strike-authorization results live tomorrow June 4, 2018 |You can follow the strike-authorization vote results live Tuesday, June 5: Join a conference call at 8pm by dialing 877-229-8493 with ID code 111566, or listen and watch via a live web page - ibt.io/UPSstrikecount.
UPS, UPS Freight members vote overwhelmingly to authorize strike June 5, 2018 |UPS and UPS Freight members have approved giving their respective negotiating committees the right to call a strike, if necessary. UPS members voted by a 93% margin to authorize a strike; UPS Freight members by 91%. “ This vote by our UPS and UPS Freight members gives the negotiating committees bargaining leverage this week and during subsequent negotiations got the national contract and the supplements,” said Denis Taylor, Director of the Teamsters Package Division and Co-Chairman of the Teamsters National UPS Negotiating Committee. “It is very helpful to have the members’ backing as we work toward negotiating strong contracts at UPS and UPS Freight.”
Unions dead? Nearly 300 elections have been held in the region since 2010 June 5, 2018 |About four dozen unions — led by the Service Employees International Union, the United Steelworkers and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters — have petitioned for nearly 300 elections since 2010, according to a Post-Gazette analysis of votes certified by the National Labor Relations Board. In those elections, unions have added more than 8,000 workers in the Pittsburgh region to membership rolls… post-gazette.com
Bargaining Update: Committees discuss several important issues June 8, 2018 |This week the Teamsters National UPS Negotiating Committee convened for the ninth week of negotiations, and the union leaders discussed a variety of topics that are important to members. The committee met throughout the week, winding up Thursday afternoon. Topics that were discussed include pulling loads off the rails to create additional sleeper teams throughout the country; allowing destination locals to file grievances on subcontracting; 70-hour work week; health & welfare and pension; as well as wages and progressions… PDF update here.
Hoffa pledges solidarity with UAW during union’s convention June 13, 2018 |General President Hoffa addressed the 1,100 delegates at the United Auto Workers (UAW) 37th Constitutional Convention in Detroit yesterday. “Their is no greater solidarity than that between the Teamsters and the UAW,” he said. “Next year is a pivotal moment for the UAW as you had into negotiations with the Big 3 [automakers]. I am here to tell you that the 1.4 million members of the Teamsters Union will be there to stand shoulder to shoulder with you.” More atTeamsters
Teamsters join legal challenge to presidential executive orders that impair union and employee rights June 13, 2018 |Today, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters joined with 12 other labor unions in bringing a lawsuit to stop the implementation of three executive orders issued by the President on May 25. Two of the orders impair long-established federal labor relations procedures by limiting the ability of federal workers and their union representatives to perform union business and by weakening the process for negotiating contracts on behalf of unionized federal employees. The third order seeks to impair the due process rights of employees alleged to have performance problems…Teamsters
‘Settlement in principle’ reached on National Master UPS Agreement June 21, 2018 |The National Negotiating Committee has agreed to a settlement in principle on the National Master UPS agreement, subject to the resolution of supplemental agreements and approval by UPS local unions. The term of the national agreement is set at five years, expiring on July 31, 2023.. “I am confident that once the membership has reviewed and understood the changes, they will see that this agreement is among the very best ever negotiated for UPS members,” said Denis Taylor, co-chairman of the Teamsters UPS National Negotiating committee. UPS Freight negotiations will continue in Minneapolis, July 9-12, with economics and subcontracting as the main topics. Click here to view the update.
What you and your family need to know June 25, 2018 |Sometime this week, the Supreme Court will issue its ruling on Janus vs. AFSCME. Three things you and your family need to know about the case:
1. The Janus vs. AFSCME case is an attempt by organizations that have spent tens of millions of dollars to eliminate the ability of public employees to have the freedom to negotiate with their employer over benefits, wages, working conditions, and other issues.
2. In states where similar laws have been put in place, wages and health benefits fall while poverty and workplace fatalities rise. This very real danger not only impacts public employees but entire families in communities across America.
3. The American middle class was built by working people like public employees who joined together in union. You have the power to ensure that the United States maintains a middle class for future generations by standing together as union members.
Teamsters don’t mourn, we organize! June 28, 2018 |Teamsters 396 Secretary- Treasurer Ron Herrera writes: “[Yesterday], the American Labor Movement received some tough news. The U.S. Supreme Court has issued its ruling regarding the Janus v. AFSCME case which effectively makes all public sector workers right to work under a union contract without the obligation to pay for the support of their brothers and sisters. While this decision does not impact private sector workers, we know that our opponents will stop at nothing to destroy all sources of worker power…” Continue reading
Contract Update: New combination driver classification protects weekends for package car drivers, addresses other issues June 29, 2018 |Since the settlement in principle was reached last week with UPS for the National UPS agreement, plans have been made for negotiations on the supplemental agreements. As stated in the previous contract update (June 21), the supplemental agreements must be resolved and approved by UPS local unions first. This week’s update will focus on the new classification of Full-Time Combination Driver and further materials will be issued about other highlights of the settlement. A new classification, Full-Time Combination Driver, will protect weekends for package-car drivers, will address the issues of excessive, forced overtime and will create thousands of new full-time job opportunities for part-time employees… Full update here. Proposed 22.4(b) contract language here.
General Membership Meeting: Mar. 9, 2025, at 10 a.m. Holiday Inn & Express Suites,
241 Railway Lane,
Hagerstown, MD 21740 Please be present and on time. Bring a coworker!