Feb. 18, 1918 Faced with 84-hour workweeks, 24-hour shifts and pay of 29 cents an hour, fire fighters form The Int’l Association of Fire Fighters. Some individual locals had affiliated with the AFL beginning in 1903. ~Labor Tribune
While restrictions on businesses and social activity are gradually lifting in states where our members live and work, their governors and public-health experts warn that lifting restrictions to allow openings have the potential to cause a second wave of coronavirus infections. You can do what you need to do to stop coronavirus so you and others stay safe and well: Wash your hands often. Wear a mask. Keep a safe distance.
Maryland: Governor Hogan issued a stay-at-home order March 30, and ended it May 15, 2020. Moderate restrictions vary by region. Open in most of the state are restaurant dine-in services, outdoor amusement activities, retail stores, personal care businesses (barbershops, salons are by appointment only), and places of worship – all with social distancing and appropriate health and safety protocols. On June 19, other businesses and buildings, including arcades, casinos, daycares, gyms, dance and martial arts facilities, and malls will also begin resuming operations with strict safety protocols. Learn more here.
These businesses reopened on June 5:
Large and small retail shops
Specialty vendors
Offices including information technology firms, legal offices, accounting, banking, financial institutions, insurance agencies, design studios, advertising, and architectural firms
Media production companies
Real estate offices
Travel agencies
Auto dealers
Bank branches
Delaware: Governor Carney issued a stay-at-home order on March 24 and ended it on May 15, 2020. The state is in the second phase of its reopening plan, which increased capacity limits for some businesses. Strict social distancing must continue to be observed and cloth face coverings must be worn in accordance with the State of Emergency order. Now open are gyms and retail businesses. Personal-care businesses such as barbershops and salons are by appointment only. Dine-in at restaurants is by reservation only. Beaches and pools are open. See Industry Guidance.
Pennsylvania: Governor Wolf issued a stay-at-home order April 1 and ended it on May 8, 2020, when he announced a phased, color-coded plan to reopen the state's 24 counties beginning on May 8. As of June 12, Cumberland and Hagerstown entered the green phase, which eased most restrictions by lifting stay-at-home and business closure orders to allow the economy to “strategically open while continuing to prioritize public health. Some restrictions, like wearing masks, remain in place. Learn more here.
Virginia: Governor Northam issued a stay-at-home order on March 30 and ended it on June 10, 2020. The state moved to the second phase of reopening on June 5. Northern Virginia and Richmond moved to the second phase June 12. Looser restrictions include opening restaurants allowing 50% capacity; gyms and fitness centers at 30% capacity. Learn more here.
Updated May 15, 2020
The following is a listing of useful links to important coronavirus guidelines and various Federal and State services. Updates will be made as necessary. (For additional industry-related information check the IBT COVIS-19 Outbreak Resources.)
General Membership Meeting: Mar. 9, 2025, at 10 a.m. Holiday Inn & Express Suites,
241 Railway Lane,
Hagerstown, MD 21740 Please be present and on time. Bring a coworker!