Looking Back at 2019 From Workers’ Perspective
Jan. 14, 2020 | COMMENTARY | The number of Americans who engaged in work stoppages last year was at a 30-year high, on pace to equal 2018′s strikes when almost half a million U.S. workers walked off the job. That said, such “days of idleness” were still less than the levels that workers sustained during the entire post-World War II period through 1979. Organized labor helped increase the minimum wage in 21 states effective this year, with an additional 26 cities and counties also increasing minima. Further, the National Employment Law Project reports than 22 other cities and counties and 2 more states are poised to hike minimum wages in the coming months, voters elected dozens of pro-worker candidates up and down the ballot, and 64% of the public approves of unions – a 50-year high… Canton Daily Ledger